The SW4E Ecosystem established by the software industry develops know-how and tools to be internationally attractive.
The share and importance of the software industry in practically all products and services is growing rapidly. In addition, digital systems are becoming more and more complex.
The SW4E Ecosystem (Software Engineering Ecosystem for Efficiency, Excellence, Experiments) established by software companies responds to the challenges of growing complexity and demand by strengthening the know-how of software development methods, technologies and tools.
“We started the ecosystem with a few key companies and universities because we feel that software expertise is a key enabler in all business areas, and cooperation is necessary, natural and productive. Of course, we now hope that many more companies and organizations that use software will join us”, says Jari Still, member of the board of DIMECC Ltd and Chairman of the SW4E Ecosystem.
The ecosystem was started by Bittium Oyj, F-Secure Oyj, Oy L M Ericsson Ab, M-Files Oy, Visma Solutions Oy, Basware Oyj, Innofactor Oyj, OP Group, KELA and Demola Global Oy as well as Aalto University, Tampere University, LUT University and University of Oulu, University of Turku and University of Jyväskylä.
Development of skills and prevention of skill shortages
“By increasing digital capabilities, we can increase sustainable customer value and raise companies’ productivity to the next level. Investing in the connectivity and data economy of the future together with the development of software expertise brings a competitive advantage to our export companies and attracts foreign investments,” says Janne Järvinen, Mission Lead, Digitalization from Business Finland.
The goal of the ecosystem is a growth of 200 million euros in the export business.
“The high quality of the software industry is of primary importance for the success of domestic companies. It not only guarantees the international success of software companies, but the level of software expertise has a wide impact on all industrial sectors. This is why it is very important to develop Finnish expertise to a significantly higher level and more internationally attractive. This way we can also prevent a skills shortage”, says Tomi Kankainen, Chief Business Development Officer from DIMECC Ltd.
“The importance of software is constantly growing through the increasing digitization of traditional new industries and thus a significant increase in software intensity. At the same time, the development of end-to-end secure software is emphasized, as well as the need to meet continuous new requirements, requiring efficient software operating models and their development”, adds Jari Partanen, Head of Quality, Environment and Technology Management from Bittium.
QLeap explores challenges of using containers
One form of operation of the ecosystem are R&D projects shared by the members, such as the QLeap project led by the University of Jyväskylä, in which also involves Nokia, Tietoevry, Bittium, M-Files, Solita and Vaadin. QLeap focuses on exploring the various challenges of using containers in software development. The SW4E ecosystem is already preparing several similar initiatives. It is open for new members. The ecosystem is financed by the participating companies and Business Finland.
More information
Tomi Kankainen, Chief Business Development Officer, DIMECC Ltd., +358 50 561 116, tomi.kankainen(at)
Verneri Åberg, Senior Ecosystem Lead, DIMECC Ltd., +358 50 517 8955, verneri.aberg(at)